There are many places you can download weight loss charts online. But it is important that you understand the type of chart used. Whether you plan to use the chart to monitor your weight daily, weekly or monthly or for other purposes, the document should come with an explanation of how to use it so you understand the best way to track your progress on the chart. Having a weight loss chart is helpful for writing down your goals and keeping them in an accessible place where it can help motivate you to meet them. It is also exciting to see your progress each week.
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The best chart you can use will display results at a glance. This type of weight loss chart will most often track your progress via a calendar or spreadsheet layout. No matter how the chart is designed and organized, the details included reveal the purpose of the chart and how to use it.
Components of a weight loss chart
Starting Date: The date you start your diet programStarting Weight: How much you weigh at the beginning of your diet programGoal weight: The weight that you want to reach, this can be done in easy stages if you wish.Goal period: The amount of time you want to reach your goal weight in. This amount should be achievable, say 10lbs in 10 weeks (i.e. Not 100 lbs in 12 weeks). Unrealistic weight loss goals will only discourage you and make you less likely to stick to your weight loss plan.Exercise: The calendar should include a place to monitor how much exercise you receive. The exercise quota can include formal exercise like gym workouts but can also include things like taking the dog for a walk, walking to the shop, skipping, riding a bicycle... even playing Wii sports! You can't have more fun than that! Actually, skipping is a excellent form of exercise as your heart rate goes through the roof within seconds.Calories: You need a section to record your approximate daily calorie intake. Doesn't have to be exact as it would be a complete bore having to calculate exactly. For example, if you're daily calorie intake is 1500 (the average being around 2600) you can write that down, but always make note if you divert from that by indulging in high calorie snacks or fried foods etc. Monitoring this will pinpoint things that cause a reduction in the amount of weight lost. In time you will understand your daily calorie requirement which you can then use to maintain your goal weight once you reach it.Measurements: This is one of the exciting components of a weight loss chart. It's always nice to see the drop in weight but it's just a number. It does not become real until you can see the difference it makes to your body. Taking regular measurements provides quantifiable results. Okay, you've lost 10 lbs... but that might also be two inches off your waistline (depending on where any given individual carries excess weight). You can take these measurements on a weekly or monthly basis but always make sure that you take them at the same time of day. The same thing applies to your weight. The reason for this is that during the day the body tends to retain fluid but overnight or in the morning we lose it. Ideally, your weight and measurements should be taken in the morning to provide accurate measurements.Weight loss graph: Some charts include a graph where you can plot your weight against the time passing. At the side of the graph would be your weight in either pounds or kilograms, across the bottom will be 'week 1, week 2' etc or dates that you can enter for yourself. Simply enter your weekly weight above the corresponding date and join the dots from week to week to see the downward trend.
It is important to note that women experience weight fluctuations caused by hormonal changes related to the menstrual cycle. A woman's body tends to retain fluid in the lead up to menstruation then loses it rapidly during menstruation. For this reason, her weight loss is likely to slow during the lead up then increase the following week.
If you need to lose weight, there are specific things to be certain of. Knowing how much weight you need to lose is one of them. It is important to consult your medical professional before starting a weight loss plan so they can ensure that;There are no medical causes like malfunctioning thyroid gland or diabetes contributing to excess weight.That you are healthy enough to withstand the rigors of your weight loss plan.That you have a realistic idea of how much weight you need to lose. They may measure your BMI and use that to calculate your ideal weight.
Having the right weight loss chart can certainly help motivate you too. Your diet and exercise habits can all be tracked on your weight loss chart. As mentioned earlier, even treats and caloric blowouts can be tracked. So make use of weight loss charts. They provide an invaluable aid that will help you achieve your weight loss goals.
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