What Is A "Weight Loss Challenge?
All around the country you can find ads promoting the Weight Loss Challenge, or WLC. Orchestrated by Herbalife, the leading wellness and nutrition company, the Challenge is modeled after TVs "Biggest Loser" and brings new dimensions to the obstacles many face when losing weight by connecting people with a weight loss coach, a simple program and a course long enough to help develop successful habits.
Millions have found success reaching their goals by attending the WLC.
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A staggering 67% of Americans are overweight or obese according to the Center for Disease Control and we are exporting our bad habits to the rest of the developed world. Slowly but steadily the American diet has deteriorated to being high in fats, sugars and preservatives. The need has never been greater for way to get to a healthy weight because obesity affects every area of our lives from employment to chronic disease.
The ultimate goal of the WLC program is to turn the tide and help people live better lives through nutrition.
What Makes the WLC So Successful?
A Personal Weight Loss Coach! Each participant is matched with a coach to work on their specific situation. The basics of losing weight are relatively simple but everyone is different. Culture, habits and personal likes and dislikes are all details that a personal coach can help the participants deal with on an individual basis. The individual coaching is one of the most unique and effective features of the Challenge.
The course is 12 weeks, giving participants time to learn nutritional basics and develop lasting habits that will support their weight loss goals. Weekly weigh-in and reporting sessions create an atmosphere of accountability and your weight loss coach will help you adjust your plan depending on your results. You can find both live meetings and online meetings. Both offer unique advantages so you can choose the delivery method that creates the environment most appealing to you.
The Weight Loss Challenge is a community service and supports any healthy program. Fans of Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Medifast, Jenny Craig or others are welcome to join the challenge. There is no purchase necessary.
How Do You Join A Weight Loss Challenge And How Do I Win?
Finding a Challenge isn't hard. Most are advertised locally and if not, just Google it. There is a modest fee to join the WLC. Typically $35.00 with $25.00 going to the "Jackpot" and $10 to charity. Participants who gain weight contribute a $1.00 for every pound gained. Participants who miss a meeting are asked to contribute $5.00. These 'fines' also go into the Jackpot. Winners are determined by the largest percentage of weight lost, making the competition fair for both men and women.
Class size is limited, but a "full" class will net $500.00 for the biggest loser. Second place wins $300.00 and third receives $200.00. The 'fines' collected throughout the challenge are paid to the participant who loses the most overall inches.
The competition adds fun and excitement to the normally grueling process of losing weight. A portion of the proceeds goes to charity. The individual groups can specify a worthy charity or support the charity suggested by Herbalife, GoFitKids.org, a nationwide organization dedicated to fighting childhood obesity.
If you have lost track of all the different ways you have tried to lose weight and the notion of support by a personal coach appeals to you then the Weight Loss Challenge may be just what you've been looking for!
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