Only if you're trying to fool the scale on a specific date and time.
Quick weight loss is advertised by diet marketers all the time. The marketing screams
"Lose 10 pounds over night, while you sleep"
You've heard them before, but you really don't believe them do you? I hope you understand somewhere in the back of your mind that quick weight loss is neither real healthy nor long lived.
Quick weight loss should only be used if you're weighing in too some kind of competition or test. And only under a doctor's care. It can be dangerous if you're not strong enough to handle the drain.
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On the other hand, competitors do it all the time, but they understand the weakness overriding their efforts. They understand the importance of getting back into their original rhythm.
Most quick weight loss pounds are only water; very, very few fat cells. Your body will flush water out of your system and the scale will show an over night loss of some desired pounds. However, it doesn't last long.
Loosing weight this way is like squeezing a sponge dry. Weigh the sponge before and it will be heavier than after you squeeze the water out. And guess what? As it's dipped in water the weight all comes back.
This happens with your body too. You can drink down the special diet formulas and drain your body of fluids. It's good for the weigh-in but as soon as you drink any fluids your body will hold the water and your quick weight loss soon disappears. Not what you're looking for when you're trying to fit into those new 501s.
The success of quick weight loss in a no-carb diet is also this loss of water. You may be excited when you see the quick weight loss, however it doesn't last long. Once carbs are introduced back into your diet, sadly, there goes the quick weight loss.
Be grateful for this, since it's your body trying to create balance and keep you alive. The only proper way to lose weight is by reducing the size of those fat cells.
Instead of being persuaded into a quick weight loss scheme try these small easy life style changes. These tips won't achieve quick weight loss but by following them you will see some really great long term healthy changes in your body and in your mind set.
1.) Always have your meals with soup or salad first. This helps to fill you up before the main meal.
2.) Eat slowly. This gives your body ample time to communicate to your brain the fullness you are experiencing. If time won't allow you to eat slowly, have a meal replacement bar instead.
3.) If you're using a no-fat or low-fat dressing with your salad, have it on the side and dip your fork into the dressing before you spear the salad. This gives you the flavor without as much dressing. A high calorie dressing poured over your salad can add 200-400 additional calories to your meal.
4.) When dining out; have a to-go box delivered with your meal. Immediately put half your meal in it. Not only will you cut calories but you now have an entire additional meal for a few hours later. Your brain will produce an unperturbed feeling because it thinks you finished your meal.
5.) At a fast food restaurant, never super size your meals. I don't need to explain why; you know why!
6.) And if you must have a dessert, split it, and give the other half to that hot bodied friend you dislike so much.
7.) Finally a very real important tip for weight loss; Always think long term.
These simple eating tips won't bring quick weight loss but if you start using these every day, you will start seeing the long term success.
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